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"Home" to Boyne Island

We left Pancake Creek early so that we would reach the Boyne River with enough tide to go straight in. Our reward was a lovely sunrise, smooth seas and light conditions.

It was really nice to be home again and we spent a lovely couple of weeks catching up with friends. Also did all the crazy run around stuff, like orthodontist for Nathan, physio for Tony and hair cut for me. Managed to catch up with my old work mates; watch a game of hockey followed by dinner at the pub; more than a couple of girly lunches; and a trip to the movies. Nathan even managed to catch the flu - not man flu, but the real thing with aching joints, headache, the works. Just before departing the Boyne River, we dashed to the local community centre to vote in the Federal election, then headed up the harbour to Gladstone Marina. The socialising continued when we dropped our car off at a friend's property, then back to town in time for dinner with fellow cruisers. Looking forward to an easier pace tomorrow when we head further north.

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